RMD Expedition Resonance Mini DOAS RMD (I,II,Min) Remote Sensors

RMD is a compact UV/visible spectrometer system designed for remote sensing of atmospheric gases and is the first of a series of spectrometers designed to have multi-gas capabilities. It employs a miniature CCD array spectrometer, which recovers a spectrum from 280 to 420 nm and is small enough to be readily backpacked into remote locations for volcanic plume characterization.  RMD consumes so little energy that it is completely powered by USB connection to a laptop computer.  The system, designed for volcanic gas monitoring, is normally supplied with SO2  and/or NO2  calibration cells with cell holder, a laptop computer with installed software, calibrations and a miniature tripod.
Copyright Resonance Ltd., December 2011 143 Ferndale Drive North, Barrie, ON L4N 9V9       Tel: 705-733-3633         Fax: 705-733-1388      Email:sales@resonance.on.ca 
Resonance Micro-DOAS Spectrometer for plume remote sensing Housing and installation LabVIEW based control and acquisition software Telescope USB Cable 2 SO2 cells Manual copy disks pack Hermetic Shipping Case
Available Accessories
4 spare gas cells Altitude Scanner Manual cell changer Auto cell changer Altitude scanner cell changer electronics GPS and software Calibration and checkout 1.5kg laptop with 9+ hour battery for RMD and VM92
Auto Cell Changer Altitude Scanner Peltier Cooler for Temperature Stabilization All-day Battery Pack and Charger Tri-pod and Outdoor Shroud Notebook Computer with Software
RMD Expedition Products List
Home Products Services Downloads Library Heritage Contact Spectrometers Detectors Light Sources Systems Remote Sensors Photoionization (PID) Lamps Calibration Cells PID Kits
2 ppm-m 2 degrees 0.4nm 2.5 RMS counts 0.03 - 10 seconds <1kg (not incl. laptop) 9.5 x 11.1 x 5.8cm LabVIEW based software
Sensitivity for SO2 Field of View Spectral Resolution Dark Noise Integration Time Mass Spectrometer Dimensions Software
Contact us for more information